Pressing Forward

Are we pressing forward in our faith like Paul encouraged in his letters, or has the time caused us to walk in apathy and complacency, or maybe even sin? Are we growing in our passion or have we become like ones who have lost their first love?

October 11, 2020

Instead of longing for the way things were, maybe we should begin to long for the way God wants things to be now.

October 18, 2020

One of the great truths for the church that should cause us to always press forward is that God has called us to be unifiers and not dividers.

October 25, 2020

We need people in our lives who will press on in faith with us. We are the body of Christ, in this together. We have the opportunity to be a part of each other's journey of blessing.

November 22, 2020

We are able to press forward in pathways of peace - peace of mind, heart, and peace no matter our circumstances.
