Summer Reading: The Book of James
This year's Summer Reading Series will focus on the book of James in the New Testament. James gives us a lot of helpful instruction on how we should live our lives as followers of Christ. James calls us to live steadfast, holding to God's word, to not show favorites and to have an active faith. He calls us to understand the power of our words, the source of all our arguments, the brevity of our life, the importance of generosity, the value of patience and the power of prayer. James is loaded! Let's dive in together this summer.
Right Now Media Study
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You can also join a discipleship group on Sunday evenings that discusses the messages from Sunday morning. Take what you hear even deeper. Click here for more information on that group.
June 2, 2024
The trials we face can be tests that reveal our faith or temptations to escape to sin. Submit your desires and emotions to God, seek Him for wisdom, and stand on His word.
June 9, 2024
The salvation we have through the grace of Jesus Christ by putting our faith in him is demonstrated by our actions towards others, no matter who they are.
June 16, 2024
Our mouth has the potential to cause problems, but when we are in Christ we can begin to sound more like him.
June 30, 2024
Our desire to fight and quarrel reveals more about what's happening inside us than it does what's happening around us.
July 14, 2024
Even though life is fleeting and fragile, we don’t have to live it foolishly and frivolously. Our lives submitted to Christ should be lived in humility, with immediacy and making an eternal impact. Make the most of your mist.
July 21, 2024
Life is temporary and so is the stuff we acquire in this life. Do we trust in our ability to obtain more than we do God's ability to provide? Is our life characterized by generosity or greed?
July 28, 2024
What do we do in the middle space between desire and fulfillment? We have to remember God is working even in the middle space and our patient endurance is worth it.
August 4, 2024
Prayer is our opportunity to give to God what's a burden to us. We have the faith to believe He can do in his power whatever needs to be done, and we trust His will as the Sovereign God.