Who is the Holy Spirit?
Throughout Jewish history in the Old Testament we see mention of the Spirit of God. When Jesus was baptized in water, the gospel writers tell us that the Holy Spirit descended upon him. Jesus told his disciples it was good that he was leaving because the father would send the Holy Spirit. Peter announces on the day of Pentecost that Joel's prophecy had come to pass, God was pouring out his Spirit on all flesh. What should our relationship be with the Holy Spirit in connection with God the Father and Jesus Christ? Who is the Holy Spirit?
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May 5, 2024
The Holy Spirit is not to be treated as a third wheel in our relationship with God. The Holy Spirit is a part of the Godhead, and to operate in our life without the Holy Spirit is to operate not at our fullest potential. One of our goals as followers of Christ should be to live a spirit led, spirit filled life.
May 12, 2024
It was for our good Jesus sent the Holy Spirit. This Spirit of God is hovering over us, convicting us, empowering us, contending for us, liberating us, and leading us.
May 19, 2024
The Holy Spirit's desire is to continually fill us to continue to do the work of the Kingdom. We need a desire to be filled with the Spirit.