Secret Sisters

Secret Sisters is a ministry between you and another woman in our church family. The program will be year long from March to February. You become her silent prayer partner and secret encourager for a year.  She does not know who you are, but she will know you are there praying for her and her needs.  The purpose of this ministry is to encourage, support, and edify other sisters in Christ, in addition to getting to know one another.

There are many ways of encouraging or letting your Secret Sister know you are thinking of her.  Some examples would be a nice card or a small gift.  Although there are no set guidelines as to how many times during this year to contact your Secret Sister, it is suggested that you contact her for her birthday and any other special occasions.  Please note that if you choose to send a gift, use modesty in regards to the amount of the gift.  At the end of the year, we will have a small get together to reveal Secret Sisters. 

To be a part of the Secret Sister ministry we ask you to submit the form that is linked below. You will receive an email after the deadline about being a part of Secret Sisters with further instructions. If you do not receive this, please fill free to contact us and we will help you out.

The deadline to sign up is February 5th.

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