January UN Series!
This months Series: Distinct - a 4 week series on identity
If someone asked who you are, what would you say? Maybe you'd say your name. Or maybe you’d say, "I'm a musician. A basketball player. A friend. A daughter or son. I'm a human!" Those things might be true, but have you ever felt like you’re still figuring out who you are, what you’re good at, or why you’re here? In this 4-week series, the stories of Jesus and John the Baptist, and the words of Paul, will help us see why discovering who Jesus is helps us discover who we’re meant to be. Not only is Jesus distinct from anyone who has ever lived, but God made us distinct too, with distinct gifts we can use to serve God and others, and unique distinctions that are worth celebrating.
Come hang out with us on Sunday nights at 6pm. All middle school and high school students are welcome!