Evacuation 2018
August 3-5
$100 per person
It's that time again! Our summer evacuation is coming up in August! We will be headed to Camp Longridge for a weekend full. We'll have awesome opportunities to hang out and build relationships. We'll also have live music and will be encouraged through God's word.
2:00pm - Leave from church
2:45pm - Arrive @Camp Longridge (Upon arriving unpack in cabins)
3-5:30ish pm - activities (Fiesta war volleyball)
6:00pm - Dinner (after dinner head back to get ready for service)
8:00pm - Service
10:00pm - Capture the flag
9:00am - Breakfast
9:30am - Devotional (after devo change for lake time)
11am-2pm - Lake Time
2:00pm - Lunch
3-6:00pm - Activities (Kiddie pool kickball)
7:00pm - Dinner
8:00pm - Service
9:00am - Pack up van
9:30am - Leave for Church