September UN Series!
This months Series: Rad - a 4 week series from the book of James on loving others
When Jesus was on earth, he had a lot to say about love, but not everyone loved him. Instead, Jesus’ opponents hated him, attacked him, and saw him as extreme — dangerous — revolutionary — a radical. And they had a point! The things Jesus taught about loving God and loving others challenged the status quo and changed the world forever. That’s pretty radical. In this 4-week series from the book of James, we’ll look at four ways Jesus invites us to love according to his revolutionary example. These ideas might seem simple, but when we choose to listen more than we speak, refuse to play favorites, watch our words, and fight for peace, we’ll see just how radical Jesus’ teachings really are.
Come hang out with us on Sunday nights at 6pm. All middle school and high school students are welcome!