Why We Believe Week 6

Sharable notes for the April 23, 2017 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 

  • It's hard to shake God if you put your focus on Jesus, because Jesus will shake your soul.
  • God has never moved and will not move. He's always right there for us. We just have to turn to Him.
  • A soul in despair is a soul that's not home. God is beckoning you, come home! 
  • The desire in our soul is a desire for Jesus. We have to recognize it for what it is.
  • The good news is that all we need can be found in Jesus.
  • The grace of Jesus is free, but the price paid was costly. 
  • The gospel = Jesus in my place.
  • We should serve Christ not out of obligation, but out of love. 
  • The road home - Understand we're all sinners. That sin leads to death. Through Jesus though we can receive life. We have to believe, receive and confess our need for Him.