Why We Believe Week 7

Sharable notes for the April 30, 2017 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 

  • We are not to keep our love for Jesus to ourself, we are called to share that love. 
  • Our witness for Christ is not only demonstrated in our words but in our lives.
  • The outflow of our life shows what's at the center of our life. 
  • We need a mindset and heartset that every day is an opportunity to share the grace of Jesus.
  • Realizing the greatness of being saved, forgiven, and loved impacts how we worship, serve, and live for Christ.
  • If Jesus could pray prayers of love on the cross then we should be able to pray for our friends.
  • “When I pray, coincidences happen. When I stop, they don’t.” Mother Theresa
  • If God were to answer every prayer I prayed last week, would there be anybody new in His kingdom?
  • Often times the simple acts of kindness shine the brightest. 
  • Make an impact by being a person of prayer, being willing to have a conversation, and being authentic.