August 2016 Kid's Church

Obedience: most parents’ favorite topic. We all like the idea of our kids obeying their authorities, but simply telling them to obey isn’t always the most effective way to get them to do it. This month, we’re talking with kids about why it’s important to obey and how their authorities are really for them and want what’s best for them.

Sometimes kids may not understand why they’re asked to do certain things, but we’ll learn that obedience is about trusting the people in authority over you. Of course, blind obedience isn’t always best. It’s our job as parents to help kids understand how to respectfully question authority. Obedience is really less of a behavior concern and really more of a heart issue.

Below you'll discover what we're talking about each week, and you'll also see a few downloadable resources that you can use to help continue the conversation at home with your kids. We hope you find this helpful! 

  • August 7 - The Fall: I should trust and obey even when I think my way is better. Genesis 3:1-24
  • August 14 - Noah: I should trust and obey even when others don't. Genesis 6-8
  • August 21 - Abraham Follows God: I should trust and obey even if I don't know how it will all work out. Genesis 12:1-5, 13:2-18, 15:1-6
  • August 28 - Abraham and Isaac: I should trust and obey because there's a bigger plan. Genesis 18, 21, 22

Downloadable devotions that you could do with your kids: (Daily devotionals for each week)

Weekly Devotions K-1st Grade
Weekly Devotions 2nd-5th Grade

Parent Cue Sheet to give you meal time discussion ideas with your kids, and other information:

Cue Sheet

Additional verses and discussion points you could use with your kids to help continue the discussion:

Extra Verses
