September 2016 Preschool

It's time to dive into a new month, and this time our preschoolers will learn, "I can trust God!" They’ll hear the stories of Noah, Jonah and Naaman and learn that no matter where they go, what happens or who the people are in their life, they can always, always, ALWAYS trust God. Watch this video and then take a look below at each week and the specific story your child will hear. As you scroll, you'll also see a few downloadable resources that you can use to help continue the conversation at home with your kids.

Who do you trust? Think about it for a minute. Maybe you trust certain people in your family. Maybe you thought of how you trust your closest, closest friends. Whoever it is you trust – I mean really trust – it’s probably because over time they have shown that they are worthy of your trust.

However, there is someone in our life that we can trust even more than our closest friends. Do you know? Yes! God! The Bible tells us to “Trust the Lord with all your heart,” Proverbs 3:5, NCV. Do you? Do you trust God? That’s a hard question isn’t it? There are some areas of our lives where it’s easier to trust than others, and they’re different for everyone. Think about those areas where it’s hard to trust this month, and spend some time talking to God about those. Then, say your preschooler’s bottom line every day with them this month. I can trust God—always.

We want to offer you ways to help your children remember this wonderful truth. Here's what we'll be talking about each week: 

  • September 4 - Noah builds a boat because He believes what God says. Genesis 6:8-33, 7:1-24
  • September 11 - God makes a rainbow as a symbol that He keeps His promises.  Genesis 8:1-9:17
  • September 18 - Jonah learns the hard way that God's way is always best.  Jonah 1:1-3:10
  • September 25 - Naaman dips in the Jordan River seven times to show he trusts what God says. 2 Kings 5:1-14

Parent Cue Sheet to give you ideas of things to do with your children at morning time, bath time, car time, play time and cuddle time:

Cue Sheet

You can also join our parents Facebook group to get more ideas during the week. 

Our memory verse for the month and the hand motions that your children are doing each Sunday to help them remember:

Memory Verse
