October 2016 Kid's Church

The goal in raising children is not to raise superheroes, but to raise everyday heroes. We want our children to grow up facing the world with a different kind of courage—courage to stand up against the bully, courage to speak out for the sake of others who may not have a voice, courage to refuse to do the wrong thing even though the crowd seems to be pushing them in that direction. That type of courage forces us to face our fears. It’s unrealistic to expect anyone to become completely fearless. Let’s spend this month helping our children avoid being paralyzed by fears, but learn what to do in the face of them.

Below you'll discover what we're talking about each week, and you'll also see a few downloadable resources that you can use to help continue the conversation at home with your kids. We hope you find this helpful!

  • October 2 - Birth of Moses/Mom and Miriam with the Basket: You can do what you should even when you don't know what will happen next. Exodus 2:1-10
  • October 9 - Moses' Calling/ 10 Plagues: You can do what you should even when you don't feel ready. Exodus 3; 4-6:12; 7-12:42
  • October 16 - Moses and the Red Sea: You can do what you should even when things seem impossible. Exodus 13:17-14:31
  • October 23 - Joshua and Caleb: You can do what you should even when others are afraid. Numbers 13-14
  • October 30 - Israel Takes Jericho: You can do what you should because God is with you. Joshua 5:13-6:27 42-45

Downloadable devotions that you could do with your kids: (Daily devotionals for each week)

Weekly Devotions K-1st Grade

Weekly Devotions 2nd-5th Grade


Parent Cue Sheet to give you meal time discussion ideas with your kids, and other information:

Cue Sheet

You can also join our parents Facebook group to get more ideas during the week. 

Additional verses and discussion points you could use with your kids to help continue the discussion:

Extra Verses
