October 2016 Preschool

This month our preschoolers will embark on a great adventure and learn that God's way is perfect. They’ll hear the story of Moses and learn that, just like He was for Moses, God's with us every step of the way. Watch this video and then take a look below at each week and the specific story your child will hear. As you scroll, you'll also see a few downloadable resources that you can use to help continue the conversation at home with your kids.

Have you ever thought of your life as a great adventure? Think about it. Adventures have exciting points. They have low points. They are full of anticipation and emotion. Adventures are awesome, and your life is one. And, we all know adventures are better with ones we love. Our lives are the greatest adventures, and the One who loves us the most is right there with us, every step of the way.

What’s even more awesome is that God has a plan for our great adventure, and it is perfect. God’s way may not always be easy, but it is perfect. We’re teaching your preschoolers that ‘God’s way is perfect’ by following the life of Moses. Take some time this month to open your Bibles to the book of Exodus and read about Moses’ great adventure. Then, pray and ask God to show you the way you should go just as He showed Moses and enjoy the adventure God has written for you.

We want to offer you ways to help your children remember this wonderful truth. Here's what we'll be talking about each week: 

  • October 2 - Moses' mother puts him inside a basket and tells his sister, Miriam, to hide him among the reeds on the bank of the Nile. The Pharaoh's daugter finds him and adopts him as her son.  Exodus 1:21-2:10
  • October 9 - God uses a burning bush to speak to Moses about His plan to set His people free from the Egyptian Pharaoh.  Exodus 3
  • October 16 - God parts the Red Sea for Moses and the Israelites as the Egyptians are chasing them, so they can cross safely.  Exodus 13:17-14:31
  • October 23 - God uses a cloud by day and fire by night to show Moses and the Israelite the right way to go. Exodus 13:21-22
  • October 30 - Moses needs water for God's people, and God shows him the way to get it. Exodus 17:1-7

Parent Cue Sheet to give you ideas of things to do with your children at morning time, bath time, car time, play time and cuddle time:

Cue Sheet

You can also join our parents Facebook group to get more ideas during the week. 

Our memory verse for the month and the hand motions that your children are doing each Sunday to help them remember:

Memory Verse
