The Power of Story

Sharable notes for the May 10, 2015 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! (Each point is less than 140 characters!)

  • There's power in story especially when the story has power to transforms lives.
  • Every decision we make has an effect on the story we are sharing with our lives.
  • Scripture is a collection of stories, all true stories, that God has given us to reveal His work through time.
  • The only way to live the story of our life properly is to get to know the author and the creator.
  • Jesus told the disciples that it was their responsibility to take His story and share it, and now it's ours.
  • The farmer can’t control how seed will harvest, he can only control whether or not he plants the seed.
  • Our responsibility is to tell the story. To live a story inspired by the greatest story ever lived.
  • Make every effort to clearly share the story of the Gospel, the greatest story ever told, because there’s power in the story.

See the live event from "The Power of Story" in Youversion Live for all scriptures referenced & to add to the notes.
