He Does the Impossible

Sharable notes for the May 3, 2015 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! (Each point is less than 140 characters!)

  • In situations that seem impossible, we can't forget that we serve a God who makes all things possible. 
  • Instead of seeing things as being impossible, realize that with Jesus on our side, we are unstoppable.
  • God does not leave us in times of fear. He activates His Spirit within us to stand when fearful times come. 
  • A bad moment doesn't have to be your last moment. Don't let it be the end of your story. 
  • We may have limitations but we serve a God of no limits. 
  • God is able to restore, redeem, give a second chance, and provide a new beginning. Nothing in you in impossible for God to improve. 
  • As a child of God, you are full of God’s grace and power. Nothing that God desires to do in you or through you is impossible.

See the live event from "He Does the Impossible" in Youversion Live for all scriptures referenced & to add to the notes.
