Called To Go

Sharable notes for the June 14, 2015 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! (Each point is less than 140 characters!)

  • The Bible tells us we will hear one of two statements when we meet Jesus, "Well done" or "I never knew you." Live as to hear the first! 
  • The New Testament shows us the passion and urgency the early followers of Jesus had to let people know the good news. May we have the same. 
  • The book of Acts shows how the disciples were always on go, living in the presence of Jesus, even in the mundane. Let's live the same! 
  • Those we read about in the Bible being used by God were not superheroes, they were God empowered people like us. 
  • When we feel limited then we are in the perfect place for God to show Himself through us.
  • Our focus must always be to go if God wants us to go. What will be missed if we don't go when God is leading us? 
  • Our call to go for God doesn't have to be the mission field across the world. There are "go moments" around us every day. Be aware. 
  • Our past will always attempt to be a roadblock in our "go moments" but in order to go forward we have to let the past go.
  • Turn your roadblocks into stepping stones and lean not on your own understanding, trusting God as He gives you moments to go make Him known.

See the live event from "Called To Go" in Youversion Live for all scriptures referenced & to add to the notes.
