A Miraculous Transformation

Sharable notes for the June 7, 2015 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! (Each point is less than 140 characters!)

  • Saul was an enemy of the cross who became a preacher of the cross b/c of the transforming power of Jesus. God's love can transform anyone.
  • Like Saul, an encounter with Jesus can give us new destiny, new direction, new purpose and new life. 
  • Saul's encounter with Christ gave him a new life mission. What mission has Christ given you? 
  • Saul's encounter with Christ changed his character. He went from sharing hate to sharing love. 
  • Saul's encounter with Christ led him to change relationships. Who we do life with may change after we choose to live a life for Christ. 
  • Saul's encounter with Christ made him willing to suffer. Faith in Christ should overcome in the presence of fear. 
  • Saul’s encounter with Christ grounded his faith in Scripture. His relationship became personal. Scripture became personal. 
  • Gospel = Jesus lived a perfect, sinless life. Died covering the sins of all who would believe. Rose from death proving He is the Son of God.

See the live event from "A Miraculous Transformation" in Youversion Live for all scriptures referenced & to add to the notes.
