As In Heaven Part 2

Sharable notes for the October 4, 2020 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 

as in Heaven.png

Scriptures used: Matthew 28:18-20; Matthew 4:18-22; Isaiah 2:3-4; Acts 11:26; Ephesians 5:1-2, 15-21; Acts 2:40; Hebrews 10:25

  • Being a part of the Kingdom of God is about empowering one another. Any time we demonize someone, or treat them as an enemy rather than love them, we lose the opportunity to represent the Kingdom and influence that person for the Kingdom.

  • Being a Christian is more than being influenced by ideas from Christian faith. Christianity is not meant to be a philosophy.

  • It’s easy to say I’m a Christian…. It’s not as easy to say I’m a disciple of Jesus Christ.

  • It’s not important what you can do, it’s about what He can do through you. Jesus power in the weakest vessel is infinitely greater than the greatest talent without Him.

  • God wants to use you, but you have to stop thinking about your ability, make yourself available, and start trusting Him.

  • Jesus says you don’t have to be confident in you, be confident in me! Jesus chose to give His life for you to make it possible for you to be His disciple.

  • Following Jesus took precedence over everything in the disciples lives and it should ours as well.

  • Jesus knew in our humanness we wouldn’t be the perfect church, but through His Holy Spirit we could be the empowered church.

  • You can be with Christ and follow Christ by allowing His Holy Spirit to continuously work in and through your life.

Reflect or meet with someone to discuss:

  • In what ways can you become better at being a disciple?

  • When you look at your priorities, would you say discipleship is high on the list? How can you change that if needed?

  • What role do you believe the Holy Spirit plays in your life? Are there ways you may limit him or try to take advantage of him?

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Taken from his New York Times bestselling book "Multiply," join Francis Chan as he equips Christians to make new disciples… just like Jesus told us to.

Taken from his New York Times bestselling book "Multiply," join Francis Chan as he equips Christians to make new disciples… just like Jesus told us to.
