Be Week 5
Sharable notes for the March 1, 2020 message. You can post these notes on your social platform!
Scriptures used: Luke 7:36-50; Matthew 19:4-6
Our life before Christ should be one of a posture of worship, one that shows Christ we need Him, we long for Him in our life.
Jesus came to set us free, free from sin and free to serve Him.
Jesus didn't come to give us another religious ritual. He came to give us new life in Him, to offer us grace and mercy.
Why do we invite Jesus into our life? Do we invite Him in to get something from Him, or to give Him the worship He is due?
Is Jesus a religious box we check off or the savior of our soul, the one we live our life for?
Reflect or meet with someone to discuss:
How would you say your everyday life represents your view of Jesus?
Do you see your faith as a religious duty or a relational call?
What does being free in Christ mean to you?
When you see someone else's sin, does it remind you of what you've been forgiven of or do you find yourself being judgmental?
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