Be Like Christ

Sharable notes for the January 1, 2017 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! (Each point is less than 140 characters!)


  • When you serve others your influence increases. Doors are open, not just for you to receive gain, but for you to make an impact.
  • Jesus was into towels not titles. Jesus was people-conscious not position conscious. Jesus wanted to add value to others.
  • Serving is more than just action, it’s also attitude. Everything Jesus did was done with a heart of love.
  • Only one thing will propel you to the point where you don’t care what anyone thinks about you - passion.
  • Jesus was able to deal with distractions, respond to rejection, pursue through pain because He passionately prioritized His purpose.
  • How many opportunities are we missing out on to bring God glory because we don’t slow down, and we aren't aware or attentive to others.
  • “I used to say that the devil never takes a vacation, so why should I? But I never stopped to think that the devil wasn’t to be my example.” unknown
  • “It’s scary to realize that the path to external success and internal emptiness can be the same road.” Lance Witt
  • Jesus became like us so that we could become like Him. Heaven invaded earth through Christ and can invade earth through us.