Discovering Christmas - Christmas Service

Sharable notes for the December 24, 2016 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! (Each point is less than 140 characters!)

  • The truth of Christmas is ultimately grace.
  • The glad tidings of great joy in Christmas is that we believe and unite our lives with Christ the savior by faith.
  • Jesus became our filter so that we can see who God is. In Jesus we see all that we are missing and wanting in life.
  • The coming of Jesus defies explanation, but we cherish it in its humility and simplicity.
  • We can learn from the shepherds to listen well. When we hear the word of God we should respond to the word of God.
  • We can learn from the shepherds to not let fear keep us from moving forward. Fear paralyzes us, faith releases us.
  • The truth of Christmas is that Jesus is real. He loves you. He wants to save you not just from sin's consequences, but the power of sin.
  • We, like the shepherds, have heard the good news of Christmas and we choose how we will respond, whether in faith or in disbelief.
  • Christmas is about grace – God extending His grace to us. It's up to us whether or not we receive that grace.