Caught Gazing

Sharable notes for the February 4, 2018 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 

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  • We keep waiting on Jesus to answer our prayer, while He’s waiting on us to be the answer to a prayer. We keep waiting on Jesus to work for us, and He’s waiting on us to get to work for Him!
  • We look to Jesus to be strengthened by Him in order to serve Him. 
  • We have to learn to live in Jesus presence while serving Him in the world.
  • "Individuals are God’s method. God’s plan for discipleship is not something, but someone.” Robert Coleman
  • God gives you your vocation, in part, as a platform or network for relationships through which you can make disciples. 
  • If you accept the assignment, Jesus will make you effective.
  • The gospel is not an inspiring demonstration about how great we are, but the news about what Jesus did for us because we were such a mess He had to die for us.
  • Discipleship is life on life. Invite someone into your life to grow in Christ.

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Taken from his New York Times bestselling book "Multiply," join Francis Chan as he equips Christians to make new disciples… just like Jesus told us to.

Taken from his New York Times bestselling book "Multiply," join Francis Chan as he equips Christians to make new disciples… just like Jesus told us to.
