Jesus Said I Am Week 2

Sharable notes for the February 11, 2018 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 

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  • Jesus became the ultimate door for us at the cross and through His resurrection. 
  • Jesus opened the door to eternity, love, forgiveness, purpose, provision.
  • We always need to be looking for open doors that God has for us.
  • Do we look at each day as a potential for an open door to share or show Jesus.
  • Our trials can be an open to door to share with others about Jesus. 
  • Jesus opened a door for us to be free – free from sin, free from our past, free to live life together, free from oppression – don’t choose doors that lead to death.

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These powerful daily readings uncover key truths from the 'I Am' statements of Jesus and reveal who we are as followers of Christ. This devotional is based on I Am by Matt Fry.

These powerful daily readings uncover key truths from the 'I Am' statements of Jesus and reveal who we are as followers of Christ. This devotional is based on I Am by Matt Fry.
