Champion Week 3

Sharable notes for the June 26, 2022 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 

Scriptures used: 2 Samuel 13:21; 14:24; 18:5, 33; Matthew 3:16-17; James 4:17
Passages referenced: Ephesians 6:10-17; 2 Samuel 11-18

  • Jesus took your pain so that the consequences of your sin could be redeemed.

  • You have someone to champion. There is someone in your life that needs you to let them know the relationship they have with you means something, that they mean something, that you love them, and you are proud of them.

  • Your call is not to take the place of someone's father, but there is someone to whom you can be a father figure, or even a spiritual father.

  • God’s grace gives you a greater authority in someone's life than your perfection does, because you are able to show them you are just like them, and the same grace and salvation you have is available to them as well.

  • Embracing what God did for you, and the new person He’s making you into, will help break the cycle of sin being passed down to those you love and who look up to you.

  • Knowing Christ, believing what He did for you, and then choosing to follow Him, is what gives you the ability to have hope in the painful consequences of your sin, and to break the cycle of sin in your family and over those you have the opportunity to champion.

  • You are not perfect but you are also not worthless. Don’t neglect the opportunity to champion those God has given you the opportunity to champion.

Reflect or meet with someone to discuss:

  • Who would you say God has given you the opportunity to influence? Maybe it's your kids, other young people, someone at work. Name them.

  • How have you seen your sin affect your life? Have you seen those you have the opportunity to influence, specifically in your family, repeat your sins? How does that impact you?

  • Do you ever feel inadequate or unequipped to help someone else or challenge them in their life? Do you feel like you can't because of your past? Why is that?

  • When's the last time you told someone how important they were to you, you loved them and you were proud of them? Who can you tell that to now?

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One of the greatest challenges facing the church in America today is the disconnect between generations. We must commit to reaching the next generation!
