Choose Thanks

Sharable notes for the November 20, 2016 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! (Each point is less than 140 characters!)

  • We have traded thankfulness for entitlement. #choosethanksgiving
  • Choose to live above the noise, the ungratefulness and the cynicism. Be thankful. 
  • How many days of my life have I walked in the lavish love of Jesus and not given him thanks?
  • Create a daily habit to pause and say, "Lord, I thank you for..." 
  • "I want it now" and "I deserve more" are wrong attitudes. Gratitude and contentment lead us to live with much more peace. 
  • Choosing to live with gratitude changes our perspective in life. 
  • Don't turn blessing into pride, turn it into praise. 
  • It's easy to jump into the negativity but God has called us to stand above it. #choosethanksgiving