Running on Empty
Sharable notes for the November 27, 2016 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! (Each point is less than 140 characters!)
- Struggles reveal where our hope truly is.
- Moments that question the reality of our hope "tear open a soul & expose its depths & its foundations." (Excerpted from Victor Frankl quote)
- Even in the heat of our hardships, He’s still our hope.
- “When you feed your fears, your faith will starve. When you feed your faith, your fears will starve.” Max Lucado
- When we panic are faith falters. The reality is that our faith should fortify us so that we do not fear.
- God will still feed our faith in the face of our fears if we keep our focus on Him.
- We may be confronted with our fears, but goodness and love have our back.
- "The devil blinds the lost to keep them from being saved; distracts the saved to keep them from serving Christ-both by misplaced hope." anon