Come to the Table Part 2
Sharable notes for the August 9, 2020 message. You can post these notes on your social platform!
Scriptures used: Luke 14:12-14; Philippians 2:1-11; 1 Peter 5:5
Stop using prominence for personal gain and mistaking it for significance. Instead put yourself around people who can benefit from the significance you bring.
Look at your life, your talents, and your resources as opportunities given to you to bless people who can’t necessarily pay you back.
Everything doesn’t have to be charity, but blessing someone through our employment or gifting does mean that you have an opportunity to serve someone through where God has called you to be right now.
You don’t need a voice to speak directly into your ear, “I have called you to preach the gospel”… You have the gospel that has called you love one another, to be salt and light, to always be prepared to share the hope you have, to be ministers of reconciliation, to go make disciples of all nations.
Gospel ministry can be accomplished just by being a good neighbor.
People want to know you care before they want to hear your answers. They want to feel your love before they hear your convictions, or as we often express them, our condemnations.
To be salt and light we have to come down from our self-righteous ivory tower and into the brokenness of the world. That’s exactly what Jesus did and that’s exactly what He is calling His followers to.
Is humility the first thing people see in you?
You can’t love from a position of pride. You can’t love from a position of self-righteousness. You must love from a position of humility.
Reflect or meet with someone to discuss:
What does it mean to you to have significance?
What gifts and talents do you believe you have that could be used to bless someone else who couldn't return the favor?
In what way could you use your job to be a blessing?
Who are the most difficult people for you to be around? What if Jesus told you He wanted you to reach them for Him?
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