Difference Maker

Sharable notes for the March 31, 2019 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 

difference maker.png

Scriptures used: John 14:6; Ecclesiastes 1:14; Matthew 11:28; Ecclesiastes 3:11; Matthew 6:5-6, 7:13-14, 16:25 20:25-28; Acts 20:35; Mark 1:27; John 15:16

  • We will live in a place of un-fulfillment if we make anything other than Jesus the center of our life. 

  • Jesus came and gave His life so that you would be offered an invitation to find life through Him. 

  • The fulfillment you're looking for is found in Jesus. 

  • Jesus' kingdom is upside down to this world - enemies are loved, persecutors are prayed for, others are put over self, giving is greater than receiving. 

  • Jesus wants to transform our life. Our first step is to follow Him.


  • When do you find yourself most disappointed? 

  • In what things are you trying to find fulfillment? Is Jesus truly center of your life or does someone or something else creep into that spot? 

  • Is there something you need Jesus to change and are you willing for things to be turned upside down if they need to be?

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This 7 day devotional will help you with the initial steps of knowing and Following Jesus! Through this study you will discover how to connect with God, pray, worship, read your Bible, be a part of the Church community, grow in your faith and be emp…

This 7 day devotional will help you with the initial steps of knowing and Following Jesus! Through this study you will discover how to connect with God, pray, worship, read your Bible, be a part of the Church community, grow in your faith and be empowered with The Holy Spirit!
