Discovering Christmas Week 3

Sharable notes for the December 18, 2016 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! (Each point is less than 140 characters!)

  • When sacred and secular get confused, turn to the Bible to find the truth. 
  • The fact that our culture celebrates Christmas is an opportunity to share the Truth of Christmas, which is hope in Christ. 
  • Christmas is the story of God humbling himself to come to us – “mild he lay his glory by.”
  • The Truth of Christmas proclaims that Jesus came to save us, to call us to repent, believe in Him, and live of life of holiness. 
  • Christmas calls us to put Jesus on the throne of our lives instead of ourselves.
  • We want God for what He can give us, but we don't want to make Him Lord. 
  • We want God to rain good things on us but we don't want God to reign over us. 
  • It's not our place to change scripture. Scripture changes us. 
  • When we die to self, then we truly live. 
  • The Christmas story is just the beginning of Christ's redemption and restoration. We celebrate Christmas not only for the birth of Jesus, but for what the birth would lead to. 