Dream Again Part 1

Sharable notes for the May 16, 2021 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 


Scriptures used: Psalm 126; Psalm 51:12; Ecclesiastes 5:7; Luke 6:38

  • Difficult times and loss can take away our joy, but with Christ there is always the opportunity to dream again.

  • The good news of Jesus is that He can make you new again. Renew your dreams in Him.

  • Scripture tells us that there may be sorrow, but in Christ, joy is right around the corner.

  • When God births a dream in you action must take place, not wishful thinking.

  • Don’t let the memories of your past overcome your vision for the future.

Reflect or meet with someone to discuss:

  • Do you feel like you have lost the ability to dream? Why do you think that is?

  • What dreams do you feel like God has give you but you have stopped pursuing in your life?

  • Are you open for God to birth a dream in you? Talk with someone about the dreams that you think God may be putting in your heart.

Click the image to start a new 7 day devotion in YouVersion:

Learn to define clearly your dreams for yourself. Identify the obstacles holding you back. Come up with a specific plan for reaching goals. Develop the tools that will help you act on the plan.

Learn to define clearly your dreams for yourself. Identify the obstacles holding you back. Come up with a specific plan for reaching goals. Develop the tools that will help you act on the plan.
