Dreams Week 3

Sharable notes for the January 22, 2017 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! (Each point is less than 140 characters!)

  • At the end of our lives, we’ll regret opportunities missed a lot more than mistakes made.
  • Fear, of all kinds, is a part of life. Our success, in large part, is determined by how well we manage our fears.
  • God doesn’t reward courage with a calling; he makes us courageous for our calling.
  • Everything we need is in this statement from God: "I will be with you." 
  • God never starts with what you are; he starts with what he intends to make you in Christ.
  • We are God's change agent for our community, our job place, our neighborhood, our generation.
  • Change starts at home; it starts within.
  • Courage is not the absence of fear; it is following God in the midst of fear.
  • God’s peace comes not by closing your eyes to the things that make you afraid, but opening your eyes to the presence of God beside you.
  • Don’t look to your courage to give you an identity; look to your identity in Christ to give you courage.