Special Guest - Scott Smith

Sharable notes for the January 29, 2017 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! (Each point is less than 140 characters!)

  • 1 Corinthians 9:25 - olympians would compete for a crown that would die. Our reward will never pass away. 
  • Don't allow yourself to be a cast away. Cast away's are not dead but irrelevant. 
  • Tombstones have read, "gone but not forgotten." It's a shame to be forgotten but not gone. 
  • Avoid being a cast away by running with direction. Christian's have a purpose, and that's to make known the love of God! 
  • When you take away the finish line all you have is exercise. Don't discipline yourself spiritually and never put it to practice. 
  • The loss of biblical direction leads to spiritual stagnation. 
  • Direction needs availability. The question is not are you present with, it's are you available to? 
  • Direction needs adaptability. Adapting to those who need Jesus doesn't mean compromising morals. It means putting aside differences, opinions, etc. 
  • We must fight with discretion. Don't waste your effort and don't spare any effort. 
  • The sin and temptation we face is not an attack on us, it's an attack on the mission God has for our life to make Him known.