Easter 2016 - God is For Us

Sharable notes for the March 27, 2016 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! (Each point is less than 140 characters!) 

  • The resurrection is the fulfillment of every promise proclaimed by Jesus and God's word.
  • Where you are born & where you go to church does not determine if you are a Christian. Belief in Jesus & following Him as Lord is salvation.
  • Easter, more specifically the death and resurrection of Jesus, is the ultimate revelation of God’s love to us.
  • "What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” AW Tozer
  • How we view God will affect how we see ourselves, our life and our future. Make sure you have a proper perspective.
  • Jesus is still talked about b/c He proclaimed to be the Son of God, died & rose again. Not just b/c He was a good teacher. 
  • We celebrate daily the words spoken at the empty tomb, "He is risen! He is not here."
  • Jesus' words in John 14:6 are not exclusionary. It's a hard truth, but it's an open invitation. 
  • The cross is not a symbol of death, but of victory. It is our sign that God has locked arms with us, fought with us, and we have won. 
  • The cross is a sign of victory even in the difficult times. It is our hope. 
  • Jesus' love was proactive. His love was a choice. His love set us free. His love brings us peace, joy, hope, victory.
  • Jesus is the dividing point of history (BC/AD). He can be the same for your life. Life after Christ = a life changed, free & full of hope.