If God is For Us - Week 9

Sharable notes for the March 20, 2016 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! (Each point is less than 140 characters!) 

  • In the Bible hope is prominent. Hope we have from God is why we love, have faith, and persevere. 
  • Hope calls us to look at situations as a possibility for God to move.
  • Our prayer should be that God will give us as individuals and as his church an ability to see things through “God’s eye view."
  • God's desire is to transform any who will repent and believe. The whole world is ripe to harvest.
  • We need a vision to see salvation for our family, community, region, and world; a hope for salvation.
  • Instead of seeing unsaved people, see people who have not been transformed by God's grace.... YET!
  • We can never put our hope in anything other than Jesus Christ and the promises of God found in His word. 
  • Open doors to show hope in a world of hopelessness are all around us. We need a heart & mind open to the direction of the Holy Spirit.
  • The Holy Spirit is your tag team partner.