Eyes on Jesus Week 3

Sharable notes for the August 4, 2019 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 

eyes on.png

Scriptures used: Hebrews 12:1; Hebrews 10:23-25; Romans 5:3-4; 2 Peter 1:5-8; James 1:3-4

  • Each day is an opportunity to become more like Jesus until the day we see Jesus face to face.

  • When is the last time we died to self? When is the last time we inconvenienced ourselves for others?

  • We may have different callings in different seasons of our life, but if we are in Christ we are always called to serve Him. There is no retirement in the Kingdom of God.

  • Our spiritual life is not a sprint but a marathon. The race we run is meant to be run with perseverance.

  • We are part of the joy set before Jesus that led Him to the cross, the joy set before Him that brought Him out of the tomb ,so that we can have new life with Him now and forever!

Reflect or meet with someone to discuss:

  • Do you believe you operate more as a consumer Christian or a committed Christian? If consumer, what can you do to change that?

  • Do you feel like you are doing more sprinting in your life, running from one thing to the next in your faith? What can you do to change to distance and go deeper in your faith?

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How many of us have said this year will be different? My prayer is that it really will be. God designed us with a specific purpose. And the life He's given us is meant to be lived pursuing that purpose. Not looking back or standing stagnant, but rel…

How many of us have said this year will be different? My prayer is that it really will be. God designed us with a specific purpose. And the life He's given us is meant to be lived pursuing that purpose. Not looking back or standing stagnant, but relentlessly going after Him with passion and expectation. My prayer is that this devotional aids you in that pursuit. Ok, Ready, Set GO!
