For Whose Sake

Sharable notes for the July 11, 2021 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 

For Whose Sake.png

Scriptures used: Acts 4:1-21

  • The apostles and the early church were willing to go to great lengths to fulfill the purpose Jesus gave them because of what was at stake.

  • The apostles belief in what Christ had done made them bold, humble, tenacious and they acted with urgency.

  • We need to take the time to notice others, speak to them, and offer them Jesus.

  • Don’t just proclaim the gospel, BECOME the gospel.

  • Do for one what you wish you could do for all.

Reflect or meet with someone to discuss:

  • Would you say you live your life more for yourself or for others? Why do you think that is?

  • What steps would you need to take to become more bold and act with more urgency in sharing the gospel with humble tenacity?

  • Are you investing in someone to disciple them? Who is one individual you can begin to reach out to on a more regular basis?

Click the image to start a new 5 day devotion in YouVersion:

In these devotions you will learn from the greatest influencer who ever lived—Jesus Christ! Jesus practiced timeless methods that inspire and motivate us today to seek our “ones” and introduce them to our great God. In these devotions, Pastor Danny examines the life of Jesus and shows us how we can follow His stellar example and reach people with the good news.

In these devotions you will learn from the greatest influencer who ever lived—Jesus Christ! Jesus practiced timeless methods that inspire and motivate us today to seek our “ones” and introduce them to our great God. In these devotions, Pastor Danny examines the life of Jesus and shows us how we can follow His stellar example and reach people with the good news.
