How to Get Through What You're Going Through - Part 3

Sharable notes for the May 2, 2021 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 


Scriptures used: Deuteronomy 34:1-5, 10-12; Numbers 13:1-2, 27-31; Hebrews 3:4-14; 4:1,14

  • We may not always have a reason for why we go through the struggles we go through, but more than asking why, we should ask ourselves - How will we respond?

  • “Suffering in and of itself is meaningless; we give our suffering meaning by the way in which we respond to it…Forces beyond your control can take away everything you possess except one thing, your freedom to choose how you will respond to the situation.” – Victor Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning

  • Often there is no satisfying answer to the question “Why?” But we can give our pain and struggles meaning by how we respond.

  • We’re ok with suffering we choose for ourselves because we value the transformation. Consider though that unwanted suffering can also transform us - our character, our values, and us to be more like Christ.

  • If we allow God to transform us when our faith is challenged, we might just find ourselves in a place of living faith.

  • What you’re going through may be equipping you to tell a bigger story, something bigger than what you would write on your own.

Reflect or meet with someone to discuss:

  • How do you feel about Moses not entering the promised land after all the work he had done?

  • How do you feel when things don't go the way you expected? What is your typical response?

  • What positive things could potentially result from trials? How have you seen trials produce positive things in your life or someone else?

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Does it seem like you can never catch a break? Over the next 5 days, join your friends at Abide and learn how to find peace, even in the midst of difficult times. Discover how to respond to life's trials by taking refuge in the Lord, releasing anxie…

Does it seem like you can never catch a break? Over the next 5 days, join your friends at Abide and learn how to find peace, even in the midst of difficult times. Discover how to respond to life's trials by taking refuge in the Lord, releasing anxiety and resting in His peace and presence.
