In It Not Of It Week 8

Sharable notes for the November 20, 2022 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 

Scriptures used: Daniel 9; Daniel 12:8-9,13; Jeremiah 29:10; Matthew 13:52; 2 Timothy 1:13-14; Ezekiel 14:13; 18:20; Hebrews 7:24-25; 1 Corinthians 13:9,12; Matthew 24:15-16
Passages referenced: Luke 18:9-14; Hebrews 4:12; 13:2; John 14:26; Matthew 26:26-45

  • When you have relationship with the living God, His word speaks to you continuously. You can receive strength each day from his word. You can receive new revelation from old text when the Holy Spirit enlightens you to understand things in ways you’ve never seen or understood them before.

  • The word of God is a treasure that we should not undervalue and not keep hidden away.

  • The word is one of the primary ways that God speaks to us, and then prayer is the way we speak to God.

  • We need people in our life that we face our suffering with, we serve with and we seek God with. Hold on to God’s word and let it define your convictions. Pray and seek God every day and even more in your moments of need.

  • Humility is a sign of understanding God‘s righteousness.

  • In humility we don’t live with a mindset simply of you’re equal to me, we live with a mindset of you’re better than me!

  • What we like to do with sin - deny it, hide it, make excuses about it, play the victim in it, blame others for it, normalize it and celebrate it. What we should do with sin - name it, own it, accept responsibility for it, let God forgive it and take it.

  • Jesus put himself in our place to receive the consequences of sin so that we can receive God’s forgiveness and receive his righteousness.

  • We are all a part of the broken human condition, and our only hope is God‘s righteousness.

  • Our prayers should be rooted in God’s promises.

  • When you are tired and overwhelmed, give way to the Spirit who will come to you and strengthen you and help you.

  • Just because life is hard doesn’t mean that God doesn’t love you. The cross and the empty tomb are greater revealers of God’s love for you than life’s circumstances.

  • There is a problem in this world, a problem made by the sin of humanity, and our hope for the world and for the people of the world is not in a person of the world. Our hope is in the person of God.

Reflect or meet with someone to discuss:

  • Have you or someone you know ever discovered something of value and was surprised by it's worth? Tell about it.

  • How much do you value the word of God and prayer? Does the amount of time you spend in those equal the amount of value you put on them? Why or why not?

  • What are you more prone to do with sin in your life - deny it, hide it, make excuses about it, play the victim in it, blame others for it, normalize it, celebrate it, or do you own it and ask God to forgive it? Why is that?

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Welcome to our time of prayer and fasting! Oswald Smith says ‘when we work, we work, when we pray, God works’. Our prayer during this time of 7 days of prayer and fasting is that God would do an incredible work in your life and that you would know him in a deeper way.
