In the Waiting Week 2

Sharable notes for the December 10, 2017 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 

in the waiting.png
  • Jesus is the HOPE that will not leave us disappointed.
  • People are passionate about the return of Jesus because we are ready for this world of sin, pain and heartache to end and eternity with Him to begin. But in the waiting, we must work. 
  • Jesus is coming back but until then we still have a mission, and that's to love others so that they may come to know Christ. 
  • We are called as believers in Christ to point others to Him. 
  • Is how I live, act, work showing the truth, love and power of Jesus to those around me?
  • Secular Christmas always comes up empty, so our place of witness to the culture around us is to point others to the real reason for Christmas.
  • The only thing about us as believers cannot be that we go to church on Sunday.
  • The Holy Spirit is counselor and comforter, but He's more than that. He EMPOWERS the believer for the glory of God.

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What if the gospel was proclaimed more loudly by our lives, actions and choices than by the words we speak or sermons we share? This reading plan from Kerry and Chris Shook, authors of Be the Message, leads you towards a dynamic experience of living…

What if the gospel was proclaimed more loudly by our lives, actions and choices than by the words we speak or sermons we share? This reading plan from Kerry and Chris Shook, authors of Be the Message, leads you towards a dynamic experience of living out the gospel in your life and the lives of others.
