Joy Week 4

Sharable notes for the September 10, 2017 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 

  • The starting point and foundation for unity in the body of Christ, is agreeing in the Lord. 
  • Full joy does not come from living for your self. It comes from dying to self.
  • I will never find God's joy when I am the focus of the joy I am seeking. 
  • Emotional reactions that result in negative choices can kill our joy in the Lord.
  • There is a transforming power when we worship. It changes our perspective, and it changes us.
  • Gentleness is a radical behavior in today's culture, but God calls for gentleness to be evident in our life. 
  • We may be less anxious in our life if we held to God's truth that He is always with us. Our default when we are anxious should be to pray. 
  • God's supernatural peace transcends all understanding. When our minds are focused on Christ we can have peace without understanding.
  • The truth will set you free, if you abide in the truth. 

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The world defines joy as the intense happiness we feel when we satisfy a great desire. C. S. Lewis disagrees: true joy is an unsatisfied desire ─ a deep longing for God that never ends.

The world defines joy as the intense happiness we feel when we satisfy a great desire. C. S. Lewis disagrees: true joy is an unsatisfied desire ─ a deep longing for God that never ends.
