What's On Your Pedestal?

Sharable notes for the September 17, 2017 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 

Whats on pedestal?.png
  • The law of God was given to point us to the holiness of God and to point us to the state of our heart, that we need God. 
  • Open-mindedness and tolerance are good things, and to an extent we should indeed strive for them, but not at the expense of truth.
  • "He is God" is better than "He is not God," but lacking in comparison to "He is my God."
  • Grace always precedes law. You don’t earn God’s grace through law, you abide in his words because of his grace.
  • Idols - Things, sometimes good things, that become ultimate things that become controlling things.
  • Money controls us when we consume to have because we think that’s what defines us, or to keep because we think that’s what will save us.
  • When you get a taste of the extent of God's love, those things we’re putting on a pedestal will grow pitiful and powerless compared to God.
  • We are supposed to love nothing more than God; trust in nothing more than God; obey nothing more than God.
  • What is from our flesh can never substitute for what is from the Spirit.
  • God will always outgive whatever you say good-bye to.
  • When you love, delight, and trust in God more than anything else, then following Him is not a burden, it's a pleasure and a desire.

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If you love and trust something more than God, then it's your idol. This reading plan shows you why it's important to keep God in the center of your life.

If you love and trust something more than God, then it's your idol. This reading plan shows you why it's important to keep God in the center of your life.
