Let's Go Week 1

Sharable notes for the November 3, 2019 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 

Let’s GO!.png

Scriptures used: Matthew 7:24-26; Joshua 1:6-9; James 2:17; Philippians 3:13-14; Luke 9:23

  • Following Christ is about being more than just reflective, we are called to be active. Faith is not just about going to church, it's about being the church.

  • Jesus has come to save us. Jesus has come to set us free. Jesus has called us to proclaim this message to the world around us every day not just celebrate it on Sunday.

  • Faith is to be lived out even in the face of fear. Be strong and courageous!

  • We need a faith that says "let’s go serve," not a faith that says "let my preference be served."

  • Jesus called everyone who would follow Him to die to self. We want comfort and convenience when we need conviction and courage.

  • We need passion filled faith not a passive faith. When we do nothing, nothing happens, but with active faith in Christ all things are possible.

Reflect or meet with someone to discuss:

  • How would you describe your faith - active or passive? Why would you describe it that way?

  • What keeps you from being more active in your faith than you are now?

  • Where can you start being more strong and courageous in your faith?

Click the image to start a new 5 day devotion in YouVersion:

Have you ever felt stuck, timid, or even a little wimpy when it comes to trusting God when life gets difficult? Well, that’s natural, my friend. But it’s not for you. Instead, God beckons us to live courageously for Him, filled with His joy. We need…

Have you ever felt stuck, timid, or even a little wimpy when it comes to trusting God when life gets difficult? Well, that’s natural, my friend. But it’s not for you. Instead, God beckons us to live courageously for Him, filled with His joy. We need bravery to possess immovable faith for experiencing joy in badness. The how and what it looks like are what this plan is all about.
