The Mount Week 6

Sharable notes for the October 27, 2019 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 

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Scriptures used: Matthew 5:9; Matthew 10:34; Ephesians 2:13-17; Matthew 5:21-24, 43-48; Romans 12:9

  • A heart that hungers for Jesus will be a heart that desires to be a peacemaker.

  • Some people will receive the truth of God, unfortunately others choose not to. We must not be against those who choose not to receive, we must love and continue to shine the light of Christ. Our prayer would be that the "kindness of God leads to repentance." Romans 2:4

  • Like a surgeon His truth cuts out those things in us that steal, kill, and destroy and His truth brings healing to our wounds, it brings Peace to our troubled lives.

  • Reconciliation can exist in Jesus Christ.

  • Disagreement is not hatred. You can disagree with someone, but you should not bring destruction.

  • In our life with Christ there is no room for hate. Hate is a poison that will destroy us on the inside and lead to outward destruction.

  • There is one exception for hate, and that's evil. Evil is not a person, it's what's inside. Love the person, hate the evil - and yes that's a tough line to draw.

Reflect or meet with someone to discuss:

  • How difficult do you find it to love those who are against your faith?

  • How has the word of God convicted you in how you respond and treat others with different beliefs than you?

  • What injustices anger you? What breaks your heart? Whatever it is, you could find a purpose for yourself.

Click the image to start a new 4 day devotion in YouVersion:

Did you know that we are called to be a peacemaker? Find out how we can live this each and every day in this four-day devotional from Holly Wagner.

Did you know that we are called to be a peacemaker? Find out how we can live this each and every day in this four-day devotional from Holly Wagner.
