Living Upside Down Week 3
Sharable notes for the July 31, 2016 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! (Each point is less than 140 characters!)
- Since sin entered the world man has sought to dominate other men, but the way to victory is through humility.
- God doesn't look at the outward, which can be faked. He looks at the heart, which He wants to change.
- God’s focus in our prayers is the sincerity of our heart.
- All prayers are from the heart. What do our prayers reveal about our heart?
- There is a difference between living for God and living to fulfill religious rules.
- Are we unwilling to seek advice, apologize, celebrate others victories, seek God’s help? Are we willing to gossip? Do we celebrate others failures? Do we obsess over the opinions of others?
- If your faith is based on performance not grace, then your faith is in yourself not God.
- Performance based faith is the fruit of a prideful heart.
- Humble hearts praying humble prayers will find God’s grace.
- Humility is a blessed life, a place of peace and an understanding of the amazing grace of God. It puts our life, our world and God in proper perspective.