Living Upside Down Week 4

Sharable notes for the August 7, 2016 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! (Each point is less than 140 characters!)

  • We should have a desire as Christians to be authentic in our faith. 
  • The world needs to see us as real people who serve a real God. #beauthentic #nomorehypocrisy #areceiverofgracenotexcusedtosin
  • Don't pretend to be perfect but strive to live righteous. 
  • "We can't put an adjective in front of Christian. When we do we modify the noun. We are Christian, period." Tony Evans
  • We have a great responsibility to demonstrate the love of Jesus in our daily life. 
  • We change our heart by changing our thinking.
  • Our job description will never change, and that is to proclaim the Love & Grace of Jesus as the only hope for our broken & hurting world.
  • We can go through the motions and still never change. We must change inwardly in our heart to ultimately change. 