Money Perspective Week 1
Sharable notes for the August 21, 2022 message. You can post these notes on your social platform!
Scriptures used: Matthew 25:14-30; Matthew 6:21-24; 2 Corinthians 8:1-2; Proverbs 21:25; 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12; 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13; James 5:1-5; Psalms 24:1; Romans 1:6; Proverbs 27:23
Passages referenced: Hebrews 11:6; John 6:1-15
Our perspective with money in our life can often restrict us from living the life that God has called us to live.
If we don’t create the proper space in our mind and our heart to have the proper Biblical perspective of money, then our work, our rest and our thinking will be negatively impacted.
God has put his trust in you by giving you the time, talents and treasure that you have.
The fact that God is in control and He’s in charge should put us at ease and give us relief.
God gives. He gives it all for you to share. Everything we have spiritually is a gift. Everything we have physically is a gift. Everything we have relationally. It’s all a gift to grow and multiply the kingdom of God.
When we don’t steward well we don’t just mismanage what we’ve been given, we mismanage Gods trust.
We’re not all called to be accountants, but we are all called to give account. What are you doing not only with your resources but with the opportunities your resources afford you?
God has entrusted you with something for something. When you have a relationship with God you have a responsibility to His mission.
When we start to understand that everything is God's and we're just stewards who manage, then it becomes very clear that every decision we make with our money is really a spiritual decision.
When God sees that we have the faith in Him to be good stewards of His gifts, He will entrust us with even greater responsibilities and opportunities.
Jesus didn’t want to be forced on a throne for our selfish gain, He wanted to give Himself on a cross for our eternal reward. Jesus doesn’t want to just be the person we come to with our problems, He wants to be who we trust with our life.
Reflect or meet with someone to discuss:
What about the state of our economy right now causes you concern?
When it comes to your finances, would you say you live more at peace or in a place of worry?
Do you see yourself more as an owner of the resources you have or a steward? Why is that?
How does the perspective that God owns it all and has entrusted you to steward what you have challenge you?
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