Now What Week 1

Sharable notes for the April 7, 2024 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 

Scriptures used: Acts 1:4-8; 4:8-13, 19-20; John 16:7
Passages Referenced:  John 16:5-15; John 4; Luke 10:30-37; Acts 17:6

  • You may not be able to know when the future that’s coming is going to come, but you know what you’re called to that can change someone’s future.

  • The Spirit empowers us to speak the truth to those around us and carry the truth every where God opens a door for us to go.

  • The promise of the Father was the person of the Spirit, the power of the Spirit and the plan of the Spirit.

  • We are witnesses. There is no room for pleading the fifth when it comes to our faith. This is what we are and this is the movement that we are a part of.

  • The Holy Spirit wants to move in you, to move you to the place where he can move through you. It’s all a part of his movement.

  • To doubt that God can work through you is to doubt the power of the Spirit of God.

  • Two core principles that started the movement of the church:

    1 - An unwavering conviction in the message of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

    2 - A yielding to the Holy Spirit

Reflect or meet with someone to discuss:

  • What does it mean to be a witness? What does it mean from a Christian standpoint?

  • How does the movement of the early church challenge you?

  • Are there any ways you think we've lost track of what the church was meant to be?

  • In what ways do you believe you are captured by what Christ has done for you, and yielded to his Spirit? And in what ways do you believe you can grow?

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