Seeing Through the Fog Week 2

Sharable notes for the May 1, 2022 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 

Scriptures used: Lamentations 3:1-33; Proverbs 4:23; Psalm 42:11; Habakkuk 3:17-18; 2 Corinthians 4:16-18; Isaiah 61:1-3
Passages referenced: Habakkuk 3:2; Matthew 27:34

  • Depression can’t see hope, so it claims hope is not there. But depression lies.

  • What are you calling to mind every day? Remember what God has done, especially through Christ, and dare to hope!

  • Your self talk has to be more than a pep talk to yourself, for yourself and about yourself. You need to tell yourself about your God.

  • We need the stories of what God has done, and people need to hear the stories of what God has done in your life, so that they will know that God can do it in theirs.

  • We walk by faith not by sight. We also don’t walk by feelings.

  • Hope is in a person, the person of Jesus, the one who defeated death. So depression cannot rob you of hope because it cannot rob you of Jesus and what He's done.

  • Jesus drank the full cup of God’s wrath so that all that is left for us is His overflowing cup of love and joy. Jesus went through darkness so we could live in His light.

  • “I find no better cure for my depression than to trust in the Lord with all my heart, and seek to realize afresh the power of the peace-speaking blood of Jesus, and his infinite love in dying upon the cross to put away all my transgressions.” - Charles Spurgeon

Reflect or meet with someone to discuss:

  • Do you find yourself relating to Jeremiah's lamentation in Lamentations 3? Do you ever find yourself like David in Psalm 42, where you feel downcast and in despair? How do you typically respond to those feelings?

  • How do you think guarding your heart can help you with handling feelings of desperation and depression?

  • Who can you talk to about any depression you may be battling with?

Click here for articles, podcasts and books from the Christian Counselors Educational Foundation on depression.

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Depression can affect anyone of any age for any number of reasons. This seven-day plan will guide you to the Counselor. Quiet your mind and heart as you read the Bible and you will discover peace, strength, and everlasting love. For more content, check out
