Seeing Through the Fog Week 5

Sharable notes for the May 22, 2022 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 

Scriptures used: James 1:19-20; 4:1-2; Galatians 5:19-21; Colossians 3:5-8; Ephesians 4:26-32
Passages referenced: Proverbs 12:16; 14:17, 29; 15:18; 19:11; 22:24-25; 29:11, 22; Mark 3: 1-6

  • Anger is a moral emotion, it declares a wrong that's been done.

  • Anger often stems from us not getting what we want. When someone or something gets in the way of our desires we react.

  • Anger can be an impassioned energy from within us in defense of something you love.

  • In the face of evil, if you aren’t angry, you’re not loving others. While there are right things to be angry about, mishandled anger doesn’t typically produce good change. Anger applied with wisdom is constructive, uncontrolled anger will always be destructive.

  • When we're angry and all our focus is honed in on the problem, we justify the heat of our anger and neglect the problem we’ve allowed to happen within us.

  • If we're not careful, the opportunity that brought anger can very quickly allow our anger to become an opportunity for our spiritual enemy to attack.

  • Don’t let your anger become bitterness, hatred, or a grudge. Recognize the anger but do not let it build so that it becomes sin. Deal with it within you as quickly as you can. You may not get a solution to your anger, or to the cause of your anger, but you can castaway the chains of anger.

  • Don’t let anger get control of your mouth and your mood.

  • When angry ask: what is my anger defending, or what am I wanting that I’m not getting? Am I angry over the right thing, am I expressing it in the right way, and am I controlled?

  • Repent to the people you’ve hurt in your moments of anger, express sorrow for how you hurt them.

  • If we want to see any problem we may have with our temper and with anger decrease, then we need to increase the value we have for other people and desire to see them blessed. The more you consider others over yourselves the less we will be prone to lose our temper when we don’t get what we want.

Reflect or meet with someone to discuss:

  • What would you say causes you to get the most angry?

  • Do you ever feel yourself almost out of control when you get angry? Why do you think that is?

  • How can you take that anger and let it help you love others and not hurt them?

  • Is there an injustice that causes anger within you? How might that be a call in your life?

Click here for articles, podcasts and books from the Christian Counselors Educational Foundation on depression.

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Anger. Frustration. Irritation. We’ve all felt the power of these emotions and lived to regret the speed with which we responded to them. This devotional will help you understand the three sources of these strong emotions and give practical Biblical advice for how to deal with them.
