To Be Continued Week 1

Sharable notes for the May 29, 2022 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 

Scriptures used: Ephesians 4:30; 5:18; Romans 8:5-6, 14-16; 15:13; John 14:12-18, 26; 16:7-11; Luke 24:49; 1 Corinthians 2:4-5
Passages referenced: Isaiah 11:2; 2 Corinthians 6:4-10

  • When we believe in Christ, accept what He did for us and begin to follow his teachings, we are now connected as a child of God with our Heavenly Father, and we are able to be empowered and led by the Holy Spirit.

  • The Holy Spirit makes our connection with God relational.

  • Through the Holy Spirit God's presence becomes alive in us, the mission becomes personal to us, and His power begins to work in us and through us.

  • Our goal as a follower of Christ should be more than simply being a spiritual person, other religions walk this path. Our goal should be to be a spirit led, spirit filled person.

  • We become like Christ through the empowerment of the same Holy Spirit who empowered the life of Christ.

  • When you are filled with the Spirit you are filled with a vibrant and full life in Christ.

  • Through the power of the Holy Spirit your mind is renewed, your emotions are renewed and your behavior is renewed.

  • When the Holy Spirit indwelt the early church there was a radical change that occurred in them.

  • Being filled with the Spirit means that we are filled with love.

  • We live victorious through His Spirt. We continue the work of Christ with boldness through His Spirit. We love others and live together in unity through His Spirit. This is why we must constantly be filled with the Spirit.

  • The main enemy of the Spirit’s power in our life is the confidence we have in our own flesh.

  • God will only fill what’s emptied and given to Him to fill.

Reflect or meet with someone to discuss:

  • When you consider the Holy Spirit, what role do you consider the Holy Spirit having in your relationship with God?

  • What does it mean to you to be filled with the Spirit?

  • Do you find yourself putting more confidence in yourself than you do in the Spirit's power working in and through your life?

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Jesus was filled, led, and empowered by the Spirit. At His ascension, He prayed to the Father that His followers would have the same power available to them by depending on the Holy Spirit. We are called to pick up our cross and follow Him, but we can’t do that unless we rely on the Holy Spirit the same way He did. Find out more in Spirit-Filled Jesus.
